Customized Neck Roll for your Head & Neck Patients

The only device in the world that provides customized support to the patient’s cervical vertebrae for head and neck treatment.

CNR mask

Custom Neck Roll – INSTRUCTIONS

sold individually or 12/case
Our CNR provides optimal support for patients when using thermoplastic positioning devices. Current fixed position head supports, which have fixed heights and shapes, do not fit the posterior contour of your patient’s head and neck. This positioning gap makes the patient uncomfortable and leaves room for motion, even with a thermoplastic device.

Relieve neck strain and deliver precision accuracy with the best repositioning system on the planet.

Treatments for head and neck patients require the use of a thermoplastic positioning device. These devices alone cannot provide the required support under the neck that is crucial for a safe and successful treatment outcome. Without the use of additional support, muscles can relax, changing position under the head and neck area during treatment. Alpha Cradle CNR forms provide your patients the comfort and support they deserve.

Our customized head and neck support (CNR) fits on top of your device, directly under your patient’s head and neck. The CNR creates a posterior foam contour of your patient’s head as it comfortably adds support between the patient’s neck and the head fixation device.

SEE BELOW. When using the TIMO head holder, the patient can still flex his chin. There is no support under the patient’s cervical vertebrae. With the Alpha Cradle brand CNR foam, there is CUSTOMIZED SUPPORT FROM THE HEAD ALL THE WAY DOWN, touching the patient’s shoulders.

For head and neck patients, customized support is critical for optimal immobilization AND repositioning the set-up on a daily basis. When used with a thermoplastic device, you have the best tools available for optimum head & neck treatment.

no support
No support under cervical vertebrae (red boxes)
CNR support
Comfortable support from head to shoulders
CNR mask
Precision alignment assures accuracy
CNR support
Customize to any device or treatment table

A comfortable patient means a safer treatment with less patient movement. By reducing patient movement, you reduce the number of misalignments. The CNR allows the therapist to set up the patient quickly and easily, immobilizing the head and neck area, while increasing the comfort and accuracy.

Make the Form You Need, on the Device You Use™

Alpha Cradle® forms constitute an excellent immobilization system which can be adapted to any part of the patient’s anatomy.
