Marlene Henrichs, RT, Radiation Therapy Student
Univ. of Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, Nebraska
Three major factors challenge each radiologic science technologist when treating patients in their department. First, immobilization problems can ultimately determine treatment success rates. Secondly, proper alignment including position of the beam and flattening of the patient are considerations. Thirdly, patient comfort during the exam. Comfort of the patient, in most cases, can aid the technologist in immobilization and positioning problems by eliminating movements caused by uncomfortable circumstances. This is especially true when treating a kyphotic patient.
Radiation therapy students at the University of Nebraska Medical Center experimented with the ALPHA CRADLE® brand Patient Repositioning System applications when treating highly kyphotic patients with radiation in the pelvis area. The simple solution of treating these patients prone became difficult with older, arthritic patients. Mounting and dismounting the table, along with comfort during treatments was unbearable for many.
The application of the ALPHA CRADLE® MOLD MAKER II cleared the way for technologists to properly immobilize, align and treat kyphotic patients in comfort.
Pelvic set ups include the use of two ALPHA CRADLE® MOLD MAKER II forms. One for the thoracic region (AT) and one under the patient’s pelvis (PF or PF-E). In the manner, leveling problems associated with the kyphotic spine are eliminated while maintaining patient comfort during successive treatments of radiation therapy.
A personalized form as previously described is not financially feasible for single treatment applications. We have found, however, that the kyphotic patient can be placed in a standard form comfortable. This would entail all other radiographic modalities to have available. ALPHA CRADLE® forms for small, medium and large patients. This could be of great help to IVP patients, for example, or when performing a KUBX-ray on an elderly kyphotic person.
In conclusion, many application of the ALPHA CRADLE MOLD MAKER II immobilization device can greatly aid in a successful radiological procedure of the highly kyphotic patient.