Letter from the President

Jeffrey Kostich, Sr., SMP President

Welcome to Smithers Medical Products, Inc., known worldwide for our Alpha Cradle® brand trademark medical foam. I’ve spent a good portion of my life refining the foam to be soft for the patient, yet durable enough to support them as they get into and out of their body mold.

Alpha Cradle® is a registered trademark of our tried and tested foam that I developed in the medical field exclusively for cancer patients. The foam we sell guarantees the highest quality and safest repositioning solution available on today’s market.

In this post Covid-19 environment, it is no longer an option to reuse inferior vacuum bags that can transmit viruses from patient to patient. Alpha Cradle brand forms are customized anatomical forms, so each patient has their own individual form!

Alpha Cradle foam is the only safe foam designed for use in the medical field. There are no toxic gases or burning temperatures you get with these “ready” foam knockoffs . . that’s the Alpha Cradle difference. Smooth foam, safe and consistent, making comfortable immobilization devices for you and your patient.

Jeffrey Kostich, President
Jeffrey V. Kostich, Sr.
President, Smithers Medical Products, Inc.

A simple, pre-fabricated form is used to create your patient’s mold. The base form is laid on the treatment table, and two non-toxic liquid solutions are combined to form the proprietary foaming agent, and all placed inside a blue bag. The patient simply lays in the form, while the now-combined foaming agent is gently expanding between the patient, the form, and the blue bag.

Safe, effective forms and foams that you can rely on to rise perfectly every time. Our foam only gets as warm as a warm water bottle on the patient’s skin surface. It’s soft and creamy, so it feels comfortable for your patient. The foam becomes so durable, you can actually stand on our larger forms. Larger patients can get into and out of the forms easily and safely, while putting their weight directly on the sturdy, thick walls of foam.

At Duke University Medical Center, all patients irradiated in the thorax and upper abdomen and whose treatment is planned using a 3DTP system, are immobilized in an Alpha Cradle™…

Gunilla Bentel, RN, RTT
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC