Patients tell our staff they feel like they’re being held while undergoing treatment.
Tending to Physical and Emotional Needs
You want to do everything you can to soothe and ease the suffering of palliative patients. Improving the quality of life for those living with cancer begins by tailoring treatment to their individual needs.
Receiving radiation treatment for a cancer diagnosis can be one of the most terrifying times in a patient’s life. Not only have they received a life-altering diagnosis, but they are now being thrust into a treatment they may not understand or feel comfortable with. The mere thought of radiation treatment can be a frightening experience. While they’re on an “end of life” journey, why ask them to lie down on a cold flat table, when instead, they can be cradled in their own customized form.
Use Alpha Cradle® Brand Foam, and Make the Form You Need, on the Device You Use™
Alpha Cradle products are renowned for providing maximum patient comfort while increasing support. From the moment your patient begins to feel the soothing warmth of our proprietary molding solution, to the gentle reminder of a durable form that retains their exact body position for each treatment, your patient will feel safe and secure in their customized mold.
Specifically designed for medical use and guaranteed to produce deep imprints with unmatched support and durability, all Alpha Cradle brand agents conform to our strict manufacturing standards.