Toxicology–Are Alpha Cradle® Devices Safe?

What other harmful chemicals do I need to be aware of?

chemical testingOnly Alpha Cradle brand foaming agents offer you published toxicology results from an independent environmental consulting lab. SMP requested an industrial hygiene sampling of our proprietary foaming agents to be tested for determining exposure rates to MDI vapors.

On November 22nd, 1999, this independent agency collected samples for testing at the SMP production facility. Samples were analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography in accordance with general procedures contained in OSHA Method 47.

While the current OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) for MDI is 0.02ppm, the measured airborne concentration of MDI for the SMP samples was less than the limit of detection for the sampling and analytical method of 0.0008ppm. That’s less than 1 part per billion! Although foaming agents are designed to be used in closed polyol bags, we tested the foam to simulate a spill, or leak. The sample collected six inches above a box containing a reacting foaming agent mixture was expected to present a “worse case” exposure scenario with the foam open to the air.

The fact that no airborne MDI was detected under these conditions confirms the safety of Alpha Cradle brand foaming agents to radiation oncology employees who may be exposed frequently, and to the radiation therapy patients.

Only Alpha Cradle brand foaming agents have been tested for toxicology. You will not find CFCs, TDI or formaldehyde gas given off in the foaming process. If you use alternative chemicals to make polyurethane foam, they must be registered with the FDA, and should be tested for gases so that you know what you, your staff, and your patients are being subjected to. Always insist on the safest, most reliable foam specifically designed for use with your radiation therapy patient, and your oncology department staff.