What’s the benefit of AC over Vac Bags?

Finished custom form

They have a flat base and do not leak air, which can create the need for re-simulation and treatment. Alpha Cradle forms press tightly against the patient as they form. Vacuum bags pull away. Vac bags also require an investment in equipment.

Unfortunately, vac bags are reused by some facilities that do not notify the patient they are being transferred from patient to patient. There is no practical way to remove 100% of bacteria, viruses and contamination. Alpha Cradle forms are fully customized, individual anatomical forms.

They are designed to set up quickly, with minimum effort and maximum results. Easy in, and easy out ensures you save valuable time by quickly enabling your patient to get into and out of the exact treatment position.

The customized mold both offers an aid to repositioning and supports the patient during treatment. Furthermore, it offers the patient a personalized positioning device.

Gunilla Bentel, RN, RTT
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC